Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Encino, CA 91316
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Encino CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abrams Gregory S Atty | 818-609-9268 | 17401 Ventura Blvd | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Albright L Stephen Attorney at Law | 818-789-0779 | 17337 Ventura Blvd | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Brent Phillip D | 818-990-2444 | 4949 Genesta Ave | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Cameron James K & Assoc | 818-380-6880 | 17605 Tarzana St | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Candiotti Michael H Atty | 818-345-5120 | 18075 Ventura Blvd | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Chegwidden Jack L Atty | 818-990-2101 | 17337 Ventura Blvd Ste 224 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Computer Talk | 818-382-7787 | 17337 Ventura Blvd Ste 122 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Fattahi Kamran Law Offices of | 818-996-0015 | 6345 Balboa Blvd Ste 330 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Fox Steven R Attorney at Law | 818-774-3545 | 17835 Ventura Blvd Ste 206 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Ginder Sunderland & Carlson | 818-996-7800 | 6345 Balboa Blvd Ste 300 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Goodman & Metz | 818-386-2889 | 17043 Ventura Blvd | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Grey Richard N Attorney at Law | 818-345-9780 | 17801 Ventura Blvd | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Hodges Robert R Atty | 858-481-3355 | 511 Saxony Pl Ste Ste | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Kropach William J Atty | 661-222-9747 | 6345 Balboa Blvd Ste 242 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Law Offices of Robert A Weinberg | 818-705-3254 | 18034 Ventura Blvd | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Michelman & Michelman | 818-906-7373 | 17071 Ventura Blvd Ste 206 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Miller Philip G Atty at Law | 818-528-3970 | 17001 Ventura Blvd | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Price & Associates A Law Corp | 818-995-9216 | 21250 Hawthorne Blvd Ste Ste | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Sattler Melvin Law Office of | 818-907-0592 | 17547 Ventura Blvd Ste 301 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Silver & Fensten Law Firm | 818-986-4616 | 5435 Balboa Blvd Ste 210 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Stone Donald L Atty | 818-776-8486 | 5403 Newcastle Ave | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Watkin Law Corporation | 818-343-7042 | 6345 Balboa Blvd Ste 257 | Encino | CA | 91316 |
Weiss Barry R Atty | 818-986-1863 | 17200 Luverne Pl | Encino | CA | 91316 |
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