Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Lancaster, CA 93536
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Lancaster CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Show Shop Hair Studio | 661-718-0555 | 42055 50th St W Ste 5 | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
America Laser Centers of Lancaster | 661-718-8033 | 42335 50th St W Ste 201 | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Aurora & Trish's Sassy Salon | 661-943-6747 | 42223 50th St W | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Avanti Hair & Nail Design | 661-945-4560 | 2069 W Avenue K | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
B J's Beauty Salon | 661-722-9229 | 42202 50th St W | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Castle Kidz Kutz | 661-945-0180 | 2330 Mall Loop Rd Ste 115 | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Christopher Michaels Salon | 661-722-1646 | 41933 50th St W | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Diamond Hair | 661-722-1544 | 42741 45th St W Ste C | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Enhancement Beauty Salon | 661-945-1600 | 2017 W Avenue J | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Fantastic Sam's | 661-722-9155 | 4017 W Avenue L | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Garden of Beauty | 661-943-3131 | 6570 W Avenue L12 | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Intrigue Salon | 661-940-4948 | 2042 W Avenue K | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Montage | 661-940-5164 | 2330 Mall Loop Rd Ste 112 | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Scissors Palace | 661-722-6855 | 2751 W Avenue L | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Second Wind Skin & Body Spa | 661-951-6330 | 2033 W Avenue K | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Shelli's Nail Design & Co | 661-943-4545 | 42111 50th St W | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Signature Salon | 661-948-3376 | 2034 W Avenue J | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Sisters Beauty Supply & Salon | 661-945-4626 | 2019 W Avenue J | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Supercuts | 661-945-0711 | 2054 W Avenue J | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
Young's Hair Salon | 661-718-3373 | 2811 W Avenue L | Lancaster | CA | 93536 |
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