Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Newhall, CA 91321
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Newhall CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
9th Street West Hair & Nail Gallery | 661-254-4406 | 24631 Arch St | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Advanced Anti Aging Laser Center | 661-255-9023 | 25044 Peachland Ave Ste 112 | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Belle De Jour | 661-253-3660 | 23542 Lyons Ave Ste 201 | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Beyond the Fringe Salon | 661-259-1982 | 23424 Lyons Ave | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Body Innovations | 661-259-8556 | 23504 Lyons Ave | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Carol & Larry's Beauty Salon | 661-255-6004 | 22705 9th St | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Castro German | 661-254-4294 | 24347 San Fernando Rd | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Cinderella Beauty Shop | 661-259-4244 | 24324 Walnut St | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Cosmetic Concepts & Skin Care Clini | 661-259-6117 | 23422 Lyons Ave | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Dahbe Make Up Parlour & Skin Care Studi | 661-253-0279 | 23550 Lyons Ave Ste 115 | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Elegancia Beauty Salon | 661-254-0534 | 24261 San Fernando Rd | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Flair Hair Salon | 661-287-4453 | 24781 Valley St Ste C | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Gloria's Beauty Salon | 661-254-1303 | 22509 8th St | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Hairloom | 661-255-1776 | 23554 Lyons Ave | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
High Tek Hair Design | 661-254-2044 | 24423 Walnut St | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
It Figures of Newhall | 661-255-2646 | 24250 Lyons Ave | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Juanita's Beauty Salon | 661-255-7640 | 24400 Walnut St | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Kid Connection The | 661-253-0355 | 22944 Lyons Ave | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Maria Argelia's Beauty Salon | 661-288-2943 | 24414 Walnut St | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Mirage Hair & Nail Studio | 661-254-3401 | 23502 Lyons Ave Ste 203 | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Molina International Hair Products | 661-259-8830 | 23117 Lyons Ave | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic C | 661-259-2276 | 23233 Lyons Ave | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Salon at Valley Oaks The | 661-259-6680 | 24700 Valley St Ofc | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
Scac Club Tan | 661-253-0741 | 23955 Calgrove Blvd | Newhall | CA | 91321 |
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