Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Cabinets in Northridge, CA 91324
* Each listing below of Cabinets Information for Northridge CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A & J All Woodworks | 818-341-8002 | 8645 Yolanda Ave | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Afram's Architectural Woodwork | 818-701-9864 | 18748 Bryant St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Builtwell Fixtures & Cabinetry | 818-701-6938 | 19025 Parthenia St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Conejo Custom Cabinets | 818-998-6454 | 18758 Bryant St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Curtis & Co | 818-886-1654 | 18559 Parthenia St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Decoland | 818-709-1112 | 18752 Bryant St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Frank's Hardwood & Milling | 818-993-7410 | 18813 Napa St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Fullhouse Cabinetry | 818-772-7489 | 18731 Napa St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Giannelli Cabinet Manufacturing C | 818-882-9787 | 19443 Londelius St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Ideal 2000 Custom Cabinets | 818-709-9900 | 19414 Londelius St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Jackson Cabinets | 818-885-6425 | 18808 Bryant St Unit 6 | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Lane West Woodworks | 818-993-9429 | 18711 Parthenia St Ste 12 | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Sierra Cabinets | 818-886-5125 | 18744 Parthenia St Unit 3 | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Tino Markovic | 818-341-1645 | 18618 Parthenia St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Trade Custom Cabinet | 818-775-1718 | 18754 Parthenia St Unit 1 | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
U S Cabinets | 818-349-3649 | 18800 Parthenia St Unit 1 | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Woodworks | 818-349-9707 | 18714 Bryant St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
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