Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Hawthorne, CA 90250
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Hawthorne CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angels of the Lord Day Care | 310-676-3664 | 12617 Kornblum Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Assemblies of God Churches | 310-675-0187 | 4955 W 119th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Assembly of God | 310-675-4137 | 3841 W 130th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Brighter Day Family Daycare | 310-973-8602 | 14606 Lemoli Ave Apt 5 | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Cloud 9 Child Care Recreation | 310-679-9888 | 3801 W 132nd St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Daisy's Family Day Care | 310-263-0275 | 4285 W 120th St Apt A | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Davidson Joan Day Nursery | 310-643-6126 | 5436 W 121st St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Ford Family Child Care Center | 310-973-7559 | 14308 Kornblum Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Fun Ship Childrens Center | 310-644-2176 | 4141 W El Segundo Blvd | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Moore's Daycare | 323-755-6200 | 11619 S Van Ness Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Pat's Tender Loving Daycare | 310-978-3999 | 13500 Cerise Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Prairie Elementary School | 310-973-1051 | 13703 Prairie Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Roosevelt School Child Care | 310-973-1741 | 3530 W 147th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Valverde Family Care | 310-679-7785 | 4582 W 130th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
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