Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Artesia, CA 90701
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Artesia CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Artesia Cerritos United Methodist Churc | 562-860-1309 | 18523 Arline Ave | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
Artesia Christian Church | 562-865-2119 | 11625 178th St | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
Cerritos Presbyterian Church | 562-860-5451 | 11841 178th St | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
Church in Cerritos | 562-924-6202 | 11428 187th St | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
Cornerstone Community Church | 562-924-5215 | 18411 Alburtis Ave | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
Cpc Preschool & Kindergarten | 562-246-0360 | 11840 178th St | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
First Baptist Church of Artesia | 562-860-9082 | 18400 Grayland Ave | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
Greenhills Market & Fast Foods | 562-809-9095 | 17516 Pioneer Blvd | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
Korean Independent Presbyterian Ch | 562-402-1750 | 18116 Arline Ave | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
Netherlands Reformed Congregation | 562-860-6756 | 11953 186th St | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
New Life Community Church | 562-924-4466 | 18800 Norwalk Blvd | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
Pioneer Flowers | 562-402-0333 | 17601 Pioneer Blvd | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
River Shore Korean Church | 562-924-8234 | 18718 Grayland Ave | Artesia | CA | 90701 |
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