Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Azusa, CA 91702
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Azusa CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alondra's Bakery | 626-334-6977 | 120 W 9th St | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Apostolic Assembly | 626-815-0319 | 235 N San Gabriel Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Azusa First Baptist Church | 626-334-2612 | 405 N Azusa Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Azusa Greens Country Club | 626-969-1727 | 919 W Sierra Madre Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Calvary Chapel | 626-812-7880 | 629 N Azusa Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Centro Esperanza | 626-969-5443 | 510 N San Gabriel Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Christbridge Immanuel Church | 626-969-6800 | 405 S Azusa Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Christian Faith Center | 626-969-7945 | 975 W 1st St | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 626-334-0255 | 630 E 5th St | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Faith Temple Church of God in Christ | 626-812-9950 | 605 N Cerritos Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
First Filipino Presbyterian Ch | 626-633-0045 | 639 N Soldano Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Flowers by Lynda Wenger | 626-633-9200 | 943 W Foothill Blvd | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Foothill Community Free Methodist Churc | 626-969-7916 | 777 E Alosta Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Grace of Glendora Church | 626-335-4067 | 1515 S Glendora Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Holy Place Church | 626-969-3350 | 210 S Irwindale Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Jesus Is Alive Christian Fello | 626-812-9464 | 660 S Azusa Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Knights of Columbus | 626-334-4610 | 814 W 5th St | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Lindley-Scott House | 626-334-5215 | 720 E Foothill Blvd | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
New Harvest Christian Fellowship | 626-969-7016 | 534 N Alameda Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Presbyterian Church First of Azusa | 626-334-2217 | Foothill & Soldano A | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Rosa De Saron Church | 626-815-9950 | 668 S Azusa Ave | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
Universal Church The | 626-815-1020 | 445 E 1st St | Azusa | CA | 91702 |
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