Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Canyon Country, CA 91351
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Canyon Country CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Lcms | 661-252-0622 | 27265 Luther Dr | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Bible Tabernacle | 661-298-0924 | 16301 Sierra Hwy | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church | 661-252-2697 | 19554 Calla Way | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 661-252-4746 | 19513 Drycliff St | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Desert Streams Church of the Open Bib | 661-251-5641 | 26873 Ruether Ave | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
First Christian Church of Canyon Count | 661-251-1230 | 27421 Homyr Pl | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Iglesia Hermanos Unidos En Christo | 661-250-4797 | 18960 Soledad Canyon Rd | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
North Oaks Church of Christ | 661-252-2298 | 27570 Whites Canyon Rd | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Santa Clarita Baptist Church | 661-252-2282 | 27249 Luther Dr | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Santa Clarita Christian Fellowship | 661-298-8189 | 18541 Soledad Canyon Rd | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
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