Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Compton, CA 90222
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Compton CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Resurrectional Baptist Church | 310-637-3349 | 12416 S Wilmington Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Community Chapel | 310-537-5640 | 1307 N Willowbrook Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Crossroads United Methodist Churc | 310-639-3136 | 2354 N Wilmington Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Faithful Church God in Christ | 310-637-5820 | 450 W Rosecrans Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
First Evergreen Missionary Bapt | 323-774-0855 | 1200 N Wilmington Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
God's Temple of Deliverance | 310-632-2949 | 12231 S Willowbrook Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Greater Mt Sinai Missionary Bapt | 310-631-0261 | 12317 S Wilmington Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Heavenly Rest Missionary Bapt | 310-764-1191 | 809 W Plum St | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Holy Revival Missionary Baptist Church | 310-632-1976 | 2028 E El Segundo Blvd | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Hosanna Apostolic Bilingual Churc | 310-763-0793 | 2343 E El Segundo Blvd | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Light of the World Church | 310-537-3021 | 113 E Rosecrans Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church | 310-639-5535 | 2408 N Wilmington Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Nehemiah Missionary Baptist Church | 310-635-8183 | 12601 S Wilmington Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Progress Baptist Church | 310-537-2896 | 2122 E El Segundo Blvd | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Progress Interactive Community Outre | 310-537-1900 | 2128 E El Segundo Blvd | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Second Benevolent Baptist Church | 310-637-0381 | 2237 E El Segundo Blvd | Compton | CA | 90222 |
St Philip Lutheran Church | 310-635-8632 | 1110 N Dwight Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
The Church of Greater Love Inc | 310-608-7305 | 541 W Rosecrans Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Zion Baptist Evangelistic Te | 323-636-7989 | 600 W Rosecrans Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
Zion Baptist Evangelistic Te | 310-638-9657 | 612 W Rosecrans Ave | Compton | CA | 90222 |
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