Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in El Monte, CA 91731
* Each listing below of Churches Information for El Monte CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Christian Fellowship of E | 626-454-3414 | 10506 Lower Azusa Rd | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
El Monte First Southern Baptist Church | 626-442-2554 | 3041 Peck Rd | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
El Monte First United Methodist Churc | 626-444-2639 | 3903 Tyler Ave | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
First Baptist Church of El Monte | 626-448-1374 | 3523 Meeker Ave | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
First Lutheran Church & School of El Mo | 626-448-0767 | 4900 Kings Row | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
Praise Chapel Fellowship | 626-452-1673 | 4215 Tyler Ave | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
Primera Iglesia Bautista Del Su | 626-443-5755 | 3712 Cypress Ave | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
Santa Anita Christian Academy | 626-443-1128 | 4434 Santa Anita Ave | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
The Universal Church | 626-444-9118 | 11075 Brockway Ave | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
True Jesus Church in So Calif | 626-442-3438 | 11070 Oak St | El Monte | CA | 91731 |
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