Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Gardena, CA 90247
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Gardena CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Love Evangelistic Mi | 310-768-1847 | PO Box 2259 | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Agape Faith Center | 310-538-4154 | 16138 S Western Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
All Nations Seventh Day Baptist Church | 310-538-2176 | 16401 S Western Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Arpc Korean Presbyterian Ch | 310-538-4876 | 1204 W 163rd St | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Assemblies of God Churches | 310-527-0350 | 16311 S Western Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Bible Baptist Church | 310-538-5748 | 17120 S Normandie Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Church of Christ | 310-323-4808 | 1842 W Gardena Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
First Christian Church of Gardena | 310-538-0345 | 15709 S Normandie Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
First Presbyterian Church of Garde | 310-329-6381 | 1957 W Redondo Beach Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
First Southern Baptist Church of Garde | 310-323-4972 | 1025 Marine Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Gardena International Christian Churc | 310-323-1836 | 14521 S Normandie Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Gardena Presbyterian Church | 310-217-9191 | 1340 W Gardena Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Gardena Valley Baptist Church | 310-323-5683 | 1630 W 158th St | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Iglesia Bautista Biblica | 310-327-4309 | 1049 W 149th St | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Korean Vision Church | 310-769-4967 | 1044 W 164th St | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
L A Korean Presbyterian Bible Church in | 310-516-0554 | 1655 Marine Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Lamp Presbyterian Church of Los A | 310-327-8778 | 1901 W 166th St | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Matthew 9 37 Evangelistic | 310-715-2157 | PO Box 2160 | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Returning To the Lord Christian Churc | 310-769-6116 | 14023 S Vermont Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Sisters of Providence | 310-327-5104 | 1109 W 159th St | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
South Vermont Ave Baptist Church | 310-327-9603 | 13030 S Vermont Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Spiritual House Church of God The | 310-323-4060 | 16323 S New Hampshire Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
True Worship | 310-532-4652 | 14000 S Vermont Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
True Worshiper of God Missionary Bapt | 310-217-8975 | 13417 S Budlong Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
Truth of Life Center | 310-323-0905 | 14527 S Vermont Ave | Gardena | CA | 90247 |
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