Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Gardena, CA 90248
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Gardena CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beulahland Missionary Baptist Church | 310-327-3860 | 515 E 154th St | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
Calvary Baptist Tabernacle | 310-327-2040 | 18701 S Denker Ave | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
Calvary Chapel South Bay | 310-352-3333 | 19300 S Vermont Ave | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
Covenant Blessing Fellowship | 310-327-8190 | 18726 S Western Ave | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
Dae Hueng Korean Presbyterian Ch | 310-719-2244 | 15411 S Figueroa St | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 310-323-9173 | 1429 W 182nd St | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
Full Gospel Outreach | 310-329-3748 | 341 E Redondo Beach Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
Gardena Torrance Southern Baptis | 310-329-0501 | 1457 W 179th St | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
Greater Bethany Community Churc | 310-515-6020 | 14527 S San Pedro St | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
Praise Center Ministry | 310-329-4303 | 17208 S Figueroa St | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
South Bay Community Church | 310-329-1992 | 1459 W 190th St | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
Specialty Bearings and Supplies | 310-523-9000 | 115 E Gardena Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90248 |
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