Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Gardena, CA 90249
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Gardena CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Argie Taylor's Ministries Inc | 310-532-4286 | 2400 W El Segundo Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Berachah Baptist Fellowship | 310-324-7835 | 13985 Van Ness Ave | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Bethesda Presbyterian Church | 310-515-1836 | 14404 Crenshaw Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Bethesda Presbyterian Church | 310-217-9371 | 14420 Crenshaw Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Bible Baptist Church of Gardena | 310-538-1037 | 1919 Marine Ave | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 310-323-7626 | 2818 Manhattan Beach Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Choong Shin Presbyterian Ch | 310-527-5539 | 2297 W Rosecrans Ave | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Christ Apostolic Church of America | 310-324-4196 | 13800 S Normandie Ave | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Circle of Joy Bible Church | 310-516-0830 | 14116 S Normandie Ave | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
El Buen Samaritano Iglesia Christi | 310-715-1800 | 14122 S Normandie Ave | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Glory Christian Church | 310-532-3632 | 15610 Crenshaw Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Hollypark United Methodist Churc | 310-516-6457 | 13000 Van Ness Ave | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Korean Church of Southwest Los A | 310-719-7193 | 16100 Crenshaw Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Korean Presbyterian Church of South | 310-523-3200 | 1444 W Rosecrans Ave | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
L A Church of Faith and Deliverance | 310-366-7313 | PO Box 5581 | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Liberty Tabernacle Ministries | 310-715-8400 | 14725 Gramercy Pl | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Living Faith Fellowship | 310-323-3285 | 15516 Crenshaw Blvd | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
Victory in Christ Christian Fello | 310-768-3533 | 14120 S Normandie Ave | Gardena | CA | 90249 |
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