Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Granada Hills, CA 91344
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Granada Hills CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 818-360-4777 | 12227 Balboa Blvd | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
First Baptist Church of Granada Hills | 818-363-3376 | 11011 Hayvenhurst Ave | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Granada Hills Baptist School | 818-360-2104 | 10949 Zelzah Ave | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Granada Hills Community Church | 818-363-3767 | 11263 Balboa Blvd | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
H O P E 's House Christian Minir | 818-368-3443 | 17533 Chatsworth St | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
International Baptist Bible | 818-363-8896 | 16415 Buchet Dr | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Jubilee Fellowship Church | 818-368-0191 | 17057 Chatsworth St | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Knollwood Country Club | 818-360-2101 | 12024 Balboa Blvd | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Knollwood United Methodist Churc | 818-360-8111 | 12121 Balboa Blvd | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Noritas Flower & Gift Shop | 818-368-6500 | 16159 San Fernando Mission | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Our Savior's First Lutheran Church | 818-363-9505 | 16603 San Fernando Mission | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Saemoonan Presbyterian | 818-832-5959 | 11956 El Oro Way | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
San Fernando Korean Presbyterian Ch | 818-363-6007 | 16200 Chatsworth St | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
St Stephen's Lutheran Church of Grana | 818-891-1759 | 15950 Chatsworth St | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Valley Korean United Methodist Churc | 818-366-2362 | 10408 Balboa Blvd | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
Woodley Avenue Baptist Church | 818-368-7794 | 10341 Woodley Ave | Granada Hills | CA | 91344 |
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