Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hawthorne, CA 90250
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hawthorne CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ahmadiyya Muslin Center | 310-679-4500 | 13211 Prairie Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Asamblea De Dios Cristo Viene | 310-675-9656 | 11822 Felton Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Atherton Baptist Church of Hawthorne | 323-757-3113 | 2627 W 116th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Calvary Baptist Church of Hawthorne So | 310-679-1723 | 4081 W El Segundo Blvd | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Calvary Presbyterian Church | 310-676-1144 | 13560 Hawthorne Blvd | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Centinela Bible Church Ifca | 310-676-3293 | 4475 W 137th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Church of Christ | 310-676-4868 | 4585 W El Segundo Blvd | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Del Aire Baptist Church | 310-676-1170 | 4951 W 119th Pl | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Emmanuel Community Church | 310-515-1516 | 12607 Crenshaw Blvd | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
First Baptist Church of Hawthorne | 310-676-5346 | 4000 W 138th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Former and Latter Rain Church | 310-219-1887 | 12633 Prairie Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Hawthorne Wedding Chapel | 310-676-1925 | 12345 Hawthorne Way | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Iglesia De Cristo Mi El Southbay | 310-973-8330 | 4754 W 120th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Mission International Shaddai Inc | 310-679-1918 | 12929 Hawthorne Blvd | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Mission Intl Shaddai El | 310-219-1323 | 12947 Hawthorne Blvd | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
New Journey Ministries Church of God I | 310-676-9042 | 14204 Prairie Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Ocean Gate Centro Cristiano Yeshu | 310-973-0140 | 13443 Ocean Gate Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Pastor Troy & Darlene Vaughn | 310-672-4770 | 4021 W 129th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Rock of Ages Baptist Church | 310-970-1887 | 12950 Prairie Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
St Joseph's Catholic Church | 310-679-1139 | 11901 Acacia Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Trinity Lutheran School Elca | 310-675-4493 | 4783 W 130th St | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Victory Baptist Ministry | 310-263-7073 | 4712 W El Segundo Blvd | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
Walking in Christ | 310-675-0596 | 3707 W Rosecrans Ave | Hawthorne | CA | 90250 |
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