Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in La Verne, CA 91750
* Each listing below of Churches Information for La Verne CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church of La Verne | 909-593-5346 | 2990 Damien Ave | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
Calvery Chapel La Verne | 909-592-5230 | 909 Juanita Ave | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
Church of Christ | 909-593-9617 | 2481 3rd St | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
Church of the Brethren | 909-593-1887 | 2175 Bonita Ave | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
Church of the Brethren | 909-593-1364 | 2425 E St | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
Congregation of the Hearts of Jesus | 909-593-5441 | 2150 Damien Ave | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
First Baptist Church La Verne | 909-593-1515 | 2415 6th St | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
Grace Church of La Verne | 909-542-0505 | 6700 N San Dimas Canyon Rd | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
House of Praise | 909-596-1921 | 2282 3rd St | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
La Verne Heights Presbyterian Ch | 909-593-1017 | 1040 Base Line Rd | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
Lighthouse Baptist Academy | 909-596-0060 | 2600 N White Ave | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
Rock of the Foothills Elca | 909-593-5663 | 4630 Wheeler Ave | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
United Methodist Church of La Verne | 909-593-2013 | 3205 D St | La Verne | CA | 91750 |
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