Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lancaster, CA 93535
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lancaster CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic New Life Ministry | 661-949-0011 | 43233 7th St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Av Chinese Baptist Church | 661-729-5576 | 603 E Lancaster Blvd | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Church of Christ | 661-948-5219 | 44860 5th St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Church of Christ | 661-942-1638 | 1655 E Lancaster Blvd | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Desert Community Church | 661-942-3515 | 445 E Avenue J | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Desert Vineyard | 661-945-2777 | 44609 Division St | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Desert Vineyard Christian Fello | 661-948-3766 | 1011 E Avenue I | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
First Christian Church of A V | 661-948-2033 | 1702 E Avenue J | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
First Landmark Missionary Bapt | 661-946-2710 | 3232 E Avenue H14 | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Lancaster Baptist Church | 661-946-4663 | 4020 E Lancaster Blvd | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Lutheran Church of the Master | 661-942-3900 | 725 E Avenue J | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
New Beginning Christian Center | 661-945-6224 | 45371 Division St | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
New Hope Community Church | 661-945-8878 | 405 E Avenue J | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Roosevelt Community Church | 661-946-1010 | 45556 70th St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Victory Outreach Recovery | 661-949-0921 | 44034 Carolside Ave | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
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