Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Long Beach, CA 90806
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Long Beach CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
2nd Apostolic Church of Long Beach | 562-591-6811 | 1000 E Hill St | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Amazing Grace Methodist Church | 562-426-3334 | 2474 Pacific Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Catholic Churches | 562-424-1054 | 2597 Pine Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Church of Christian Faith Ministry | 562-595-0019 | 2400 Pacific Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Church of God | 562-426-2700 | 2366 Atlantic Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic | 562-426-1959 | 2258 Atlantic Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Faithful Christian Fellowship | 562-424-1576 | 275 E 25th St | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
First Providence Baptist Church | 562-426-5840 | 801 E Hill St | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Grace Memorial Baptist Church | 562-591-4774 | 1021 E 19th St | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Hashaway Community Cme Church | 562-599-3810 | 1953 Martin Luther King J | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Holy Redeemer Vietnamese Comm | 562-424-2041 | 2458 Atlantic Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Long Beach Christian Fellowship | 562-989-6000 | 3210 E Airport Way | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Masjid Al-Shareef | 562-591-5320 | 2104 Orange Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Mount Ephraim Spiritual Baptist Church | 562-989-9190 | 2232 Atlantic Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
New Hope Church of Christ Holiness | 562-599-5011 | 1119 E Rhea St | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
New Jerusalem Christian Fellowship | 562-591-0864 | 411 E Pacific Coast Hwy | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
New Liberty Baptist Church | 562-599-3331 | 2091 Lewis Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Pacific Baptist Church | 562-424-7714 | 3332 Magnolia Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Spiritual Truth Unity Fellowship Chur | 562-489-1017 | 717 E Pacific Coast Hwy | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Victory Outreach Spanish | 562-599-8816 | 1955 Long Beach Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
Vision Misionera | 562-426-9907 | 2275 Elm Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90806 |
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