Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Long Beach, CA 90810
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Long Beach CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Carson Bethel Church | 310-518-3334 | 21522 S Alameda St | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Del Amo Church of Christ | 310-639-9749 | 20411 S Susana Rd Ste N | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Faith Lutheran Church Lca | 562-424-7067 | 3040 Santa Fe Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Harbor Baptist Church | 562-427-8046 | 2300 W Wardlow Rd | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Iglesia Pentecostes Cristo Viva En | 562-595-7714 | 2432 Santa Fe Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
New Age Electronics | 310-522-1941 | 21906 Arnold Center Rd | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Saint Lukes Baptist | 562-427-3759 | 1401 W 34th St | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Silverado United Methodist Churc | 562-424-4209 | 2990 Delta Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
St Paul's Baptist Church | 562-426-0692 | 1392 W 25th St | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Traveler's Rest Baptist Church | 562-490-9737 | 2686 Santa Fe Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
United Methodist Church Inc | 310-835-0137 | 21503 S Prospect Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Westside Baptist Church | 562-426-2775 | 2280 Caspian Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Westside Christian Church | 562-424-1364 | 1594 W Willow St | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Willow Street Church of God | 562-424-4182 | 1455 W Willow St | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
Word of God Ministries | 562-989-8810 | 1401 W Spring St | Long Beach | CA | 90810 |
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