Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Long Beach, CA 90813
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Long Beach CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A M Weddings | 562-435-3492 | 930 Pacific Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Antioch Baptist Church | 562-591-9451 | 1535 Gundry Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Artesian Well Faith Center | 562-495-4100 | 1235 Pacific Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Buddhist Congregation Chua Phat To | 562-599-5100 | 905 Orange Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Christ Second Baptist Church | 562-599-3421 | 1471 Mlk J | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Church of Christ | 562-437-4311 | 1076 Myrtle Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
First Apostolic Church of Long Beach | 562-218-1841 | 1333 Locust Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
First Baptist Church | 562-432-8447 | 1000 Pine Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
First Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 562-435-0777 | 946 Linden Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Golgotha Trinity Baptist Church | 562-599-3696 | 1630 E 14th St | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Grant Ame Church | 562-437-1567 | 1129 Alamitos Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Greater Light Apostlic Faith Temple | 562-599-4036 | 1760 Mlk J | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
I-Am Temple | 562-432-4354 | 800 Magnolia Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Iglesia Evangelica Ebenezer | 562-218-5702 | 1800 E Anaheim St | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Living Word Missionary Baptist Church | 562-591-5009 | 1303 E Esther St | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Long Beach Rescue Mission Samaran | 562-591-1292 | 1335 Pacific Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Lutheran Church First Mo Synod | 562-437-8532 | 905 Atlantic Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 562-599-3509 | 1160 E New York St | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
Shoreline Community Church | 562-435-2741 | 850 Lime Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
South Coast Interfaith Council | 562-983-1665 | 759 Linden Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
St John's Baptist Church | 562-432-9810 | 741 E 10th St | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
St Marks Church | 562-591-7822 | 1703 Lemon Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90813 |
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