Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Los Angeles, CA 90004
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Los Angeles CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Presbyterian Church of Holly | 323-665-3581 | 4011 Clinton St | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Church of Christ | 323-463-6352 | 600 N Rossmore Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Hotline Ministry | 323-957-5122 | 5022 Rosewood Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Iglesia Cristiana Evangelica | 323-906-1725 | 557 N Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Iglesia Evangelica Rios De Agua Viva | 323-662-8442 | 652 N Westmoreland Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Internatl Bible Church | 213-382-7925 | 3434 W 1st St | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Korean First Presbyterian Ch | 213-382-3305 | 213 S Hobart Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
L A Shinkwang Korean Baptist Church | 213-383-7236 | 111 N Virgil Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
La Cosecha | 323-464-4282 | 4558 Council St | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Mi Joo Peace Church | 213-381-2202 | 170 Bimini Pl | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Myung Sung Presbyterian Church | 213-383-9182 | 111 S Mariposa Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Rosewood United Methodist Churc | 323-662-1194 | 4101 Rosewood Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Slavic Baptist Church of Hollywood | 323-666-5674 | 545 N Commonwealth Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
The Oriental Mission Church | 323-469-6554 | 423 N Oxford Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Wilshire Baptist Church | 323-463-4301 | 301 N Oxford Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
Wilton Korean Presbyterian Ch | 323-469-5959 | 470 N St Andrews Pl | Los Angeles | CA | 90004 |
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