Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Los Angeles, CA 90029
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Los Angeles CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Walk Ministries | 323-660-8849 | 4109 Melrose Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Hollywood Independent Church | 323-664-0036 | 4527 Lexington Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Hope International Bible Fellowshi | 323-663-9394 | 4903 Fountain Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Korean Choong Shin Church | 323-665-6318 | 1017 N Heliotrope Dr | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Los Angeles Korean Methodist Churc | 323-661-6382 | 4465 Melrose Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Los Angeles Korean Methodist Churc | 323-661-1410 | 720 N Alexandria Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Ministerio Cristiano Lo Mejor Del Trigo | 323-662-8117 | 4101 Melrose Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Monroe Street Christian Church | 323-661-4595 | 4150 Monroe St | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Sung Lim Korean Presbyterian Ch | 323-661-1615 | 970 N Virgil Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Tenrikyo Hollywood Church | 323-664-1654 | 3902 Melrose Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
Victory Presbyterian Church | 323-664-1824 | 4213 Monroe St | Los Angeles | CA | 90029 |
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