Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Los Angeles, CA 90042
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Los Angeles CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Avenue 54 Bible Chapel Spanish Dept | 323-257-6169 | 5415 Buchanan St | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
B O T A Temple | 323-255-7141 | 5101 N Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Christ's Church in the City at Highlan | 323-256-1010 | 1500 N Avenue 53 | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Crossover Ministires El Camino | 323-340-8192 | 6114 N Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Dignity-Los Angeles | 323-344-8064 | 126 S Avenue 64 | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Faith United Presbyterian Ch | 323-256-4171 | 115 N Avenue 53 | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Free Methodist Church Hermon | 323-256-2654 | 5718 Monterey Rd | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Free Tract Society | 323-254-8303 | 6012 York Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Hanareum Church of Southern Califo | 323-257-9000 | 6501 York Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Highland Park Baptist Church | 323-257-1120 | 5817 Monte Vista St | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Hillside Bible Baptist Church | 323-258-2516 | 4976 N Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Iglesia Bautista Shalom | 323-255-7919 | 6051 Meridian St | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Iglesia Eden Internacional | 323-256-1126 | 6405 Garvanza Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Jesus Christ for the World | 323-254-3995 | 425 N Avenue 64 | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Korean Covenant Church of L A | 323-349-0691 | 5260 Lincoln Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Latino's Professional & Legal Wedding S | 323-344-4236 | 5901 York Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Milo Terrace Baptist Church | 323-255-2289 | 754 N Avenue 50 | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Ministerios Sobre La Cruz | 323-256-6889 | 6118 N Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Solemn Assembly | 323-257-4411 | 6152 Hillandale Dr | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
St Ignatius Confraternity | 323-254-9073 | 6025 Monte Vista St | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
Victory Outreach Special Service | 323-256-0913 | 316 N Avenue 50 | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
York Blvd Church of Christ | 323-255-0478 | 4904 York Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90042 |
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