Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Los Angeles, CA 90044
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Los Angeles CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Christians Practical Prayi | 323-777-7507 | 9115 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Assemblies of God Churches | 323-758-6515 | 7316 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Athens Baptist Church | 323-756-9203 | 1004 W 120th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 323-752-3768 | 7403 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Blessed & Highly Favored Church | 323-755-3887 | 1015 W 123rd St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Bride's Choice Wedding Chapel | 323-753-3354 | 6412 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Christ Is the Answer Church | 323-778-8159 | 7510 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Christ Is the Answer Fellowship | 323-971-2612 | 8876 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Christian Theological Learning Center | 323-777-9000 | 10920 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Church of Christ Vermont Avenue | 323-752-8787 | 7911 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Church of the Living God the Pihe Gr | 323-756-4555 | 9101 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Community Christian Reformed Church | 323-756-3525 | 10611 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Community United Presbyterian Ch | 323-752-3129 | 7501 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Corinthian Baptist Church | 323-779-0052 | 1233 W 91st St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Crenshaw Christian Center | 323-758-3777 | 7901 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
El Shaddai Christian Fellowship Chur | 323-777-0846 | 10223 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Faithful Central Community Servi | 323-758-4506 | 713 W 62nd St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
First Baptist Church of South L A | 323-756-6200 | 858 W 98th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
First Community Baptist Church | 323-778-8597 | 7430 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
First Love Church of God in Christ | 323-750-1395 | 8216 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Florence Missionary Baptist Church | 323-757-8439 | 9521 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Good Hope Missonary Baptist Church | 323-757-1104 | 10809 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Gospel Truth Church Inc | 323-752-5966 | 8401 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Gospel Word of Life Apostolic Minis | 323-751-2390 | 1101 W Florence Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Great Shephard Missionary Bapt | 323-758-5346 | 6407 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Greater Bethany Baptist Church | 323-750-2048 | 1001 W 69th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Greater Faith Missionary Bapt | 323-779-2551 | 10441 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Greater Good Shepherd Missionary Bapt | 323-750-9336 | 1014 W Florence Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Greater Mount Carmel Missionary Bapt | 323-752-7450 | 6001 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Greater Mount Olive Baptist Church | 323-755-3201 | 659 W Colden Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Greater New Zion Baptist Church | 323-759-3148 | 501 W 80th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Greater Philippians Missionary Bapt | 323-750-9547 | 8859 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Heavenly Tabernacle Baptist Church | 323-754-8342 | 9000 S Budlong Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Holy Deliverance House of Prayer | 323-758-7150 | 627 W Manchester Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Holy Temple Baptist Church | 323-755-7800 | 10121 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Hope Community Temple | 323-750-7328 | 964 W Manchester Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Hope of Glory Christian Center Inc | 323-756-3214 | 10701 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
House of Praise Victory & Outreach | 323-752-9313 | 8502 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Iglesia Christiana Adonai | 323-418-1714 | 9317 S Budlong Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Iglesia Cristiana Ebenezer | 323-751-1135 | 8630 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Iglesia Cristiana Gosen | 323-757-8042 | 9214 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Iglesia De Cristo Mision Elim | 323-789-1665 | 8400 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
In His Habitation Ministries | 323-750-4763 | 6417 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Jesus House of Prayer | 323-778-1239 | 6125 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
John Delia Community Service | 323-752-0911 | 6512 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Live Oak Baptist Church | 323-750-8226 | 1359 W 84th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Living Truth Christian Fellowship | 323-753-9257 | 5863 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Lutheran Churches | 323-753-7234 | 1201 W Manchester Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Manchester Baptist Church | 323-751-2525 | 7926 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Manoah Church of God | 323-754-6207 | 10975 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Messiah Lutheran Church | 323-753-6932 | 1211 W Manchester Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Messiah Lutheran Parish Hall | 323-753-7467 | 1149 W Manchester Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Mision Cristiana Poder De Dios | 323-971-5540 | 6900 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church | 323-755-4319 | 9201 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Mount Horeb Missionary Baptist Church | 323-778-7926 | 1130 W Manchester Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
New Beginnings Christian Churc | 323-750-6070 | 8115 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
New Congregational Missionary Bapt | 323-755-3678 | 11205 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
New Philadelphia Missionary Bapt | 323-758-9065 | 6100 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
New Pleasant Hill Baptist Church | 323-755-1139 | 9537 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
New Providence Baptist Church | 323-754-3779 | 10200 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Opportunity Baptist Church | 323-777-7270 | 10513 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Peaceful Walls Missionary Bapt | 323-971-5944 | 6059 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Promiseland Baptist Church | 323-758-9627 | 7511 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
St John's Institutional Missionary Bapt | 323-755-3404 | 9016 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Strangers Rest Baptist Church | 323-756-1379 | 9239 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Sweet Hill Missionary Baptist Church | 323-418-0600 | 1028 W 102nd St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Tabernacle of Praise | 323-418-9007 | 11019 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Tabernacle of the Son | 323-759-9103 | 6604 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Temple Community Chapel | 323-757-1594 | 11202 S Budlong Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Three Oaks Baptist Church | 323-751-0109 | 8109 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
True God Tabernacle of Faith | 323-971-4355 | 6516 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
True Gospel Missionary Baptist Church | 323-752-5211 | 7723 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
True Way Full Gospel | 323-971-0504 | 6428 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
True Zion Baptist Church | 323-753-4530 | 1254 W Manchester Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Upper Room Fellowship McB | 323-759-4221 | 6200 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
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