Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Los Angeles, CA 90059
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Los Angeles CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ajalon Temple of Truth Baptist Church | 310-635-5146 | 1544 E 123rd St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Bel Vue Community United Presbyte | 323-757-9188 | 675 E 118th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Bethel Baptist Church of South L A | 323-566-5286 | 10905 Compton Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Charles W H Rev New Pleasant Gr Mss | 323-757-6129 | 757 E 108th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Church of Christ | 323-566-6537 | 10984 Wilmington Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Community Lutheran Church | 310-532-4189 | 650 E 135th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Divinity Missionary Baptist Church | 323-564-9562 | 1113 E 108th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 323-569-7676 | 11901 Willowbrook Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
First Corinthian Missionary Bapt | 323-564-6935 | 11715 Compton Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
First Timothy Mbc | 323-249-0400 | 11021 Wilmington Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Great Antioch M B Church | 323-563-1830 | 11017 Compton Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Greater Big Bethel | 323-564-1580 | 10951 Wilmington Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Greater New Life Christian Cente | 323-566-6396 | 1836 E 109th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Greater Saint Rest | 323-566-0232 | 2404 Santa Ana S | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Iglesia Buen Samaritano | 323-566-0522 | 11305 S Central Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Leffall Dr R M Interim Pastor | 323-569-4162 | 11328 S Central Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Macedonia Baptist Church of Los A | 323-569-9561 | 1755 E 114th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church | 323-569-9575 | 10701 Juniper St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Mt Beulah Baptist Church | 323-567-1853 | 1601 E 113th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Mt Hermon Baptist Church | 310-635-1938 | 2302 W 132nd St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
New Way Missionary Baptist Church | 323-567-9726 | 11402 Compton Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Village Baptist Church | 323-569-8819 | 1521 E 111th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
Word of Faith Ministries | 323-757-3213 | 732 E 113th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90059 |
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