Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Los Angeles, CA 90061
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Los Angeles CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Christian Fellowship | 323-757-0254 | 12700 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Autofuelsavers Dev N Tech | 323-756-5170 | 11627 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Avalon Church of Christ | 310-217-9974 | 13706 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Celestial Church of Christ Hephziva | 310-324-6300 | 14201 S San Pedro St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Centro Cristiano Agape | 310-515-8025 | 320 W 130th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Charity Mission Baptist Church | 323-754-9039 | 200 W Imperial Hwy | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Christ Full Gospel Baptist Church | 323-757-9075 | 12408 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Church of the Living God P G T | 323-779-7783 | 334 E 113th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Community Christian Center | 323-755-1173 | 11901 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Cornerstone Community Church of Los A | 310-532-2342 | 13426 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
El Bethel Missionary Baptist Church | 323-754-9036 | 11602 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Faith Jerusalem Baptist Church | 323-754-0323 | 12126 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Faith Temple Church of Christ in God | 323-418-0906 | 11937 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Full Gospel Missionary Baptist Church | 323-755-2027 | 11111 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Full Gospel Missionary Baptist Church | 323-756-2560 | 10700 S San Pedro St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
God's House of Deliverance | 323-777-9060 | 11004 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church | 323-757-8526 | 11726 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Greater Berean Baptist Church | 323-757-3048 | 12433 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Greater Bethel Apostolic Churc | 323-756-4824 | 11164 S Broadway | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Greater Brighter Star Missionary Bapt | 323-754-0205 | 10701 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Greater Love Baptist Church | 323-756-1439 | 10715 S Broadway | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Greater New Commandments Ba | 310-515-6217 | 403 E 131st St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Greater New Holy Trinity Mission | 323-754-2054 | 10808 S Broadway | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Greater New Jericho Christian Churc | 323-418-0933 | 12015 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Greater Pearl Baptist Church | 310-327-3985 | 13210 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Holy Mount Calvary Baptist Church | 323-779-5340 | 11102 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Holy Rock Baptist Church & Counse | 323-779-0583 | 11001 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Iglesia Cristiana Elin | 323-418-9019 | 10951 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Iglesia Cristianan Fuente De Amor | 323-242-8775 | 333 E El Segundo Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Imperial Church of Christ | 323-756-0360 | 11316 S San Pedro St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
King Jesus Bible Way | 323-757-4060 | 11737 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Living Hope Baptist Church | 323-754-7578 | 133 E 121st St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Mount Tabor Missionary Baptist Church | 310-323-5550 | 13124 S San Pedro St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
New Life Christian Church | 323-757-2936 | 10824 S Broadway | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
New Prospect Baptist Church | 323-757-8460 | 10910 S Broadway | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Olive Grove Church of God & Christ | 323-756-2777 | 11175 S Broadway | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Penuel Missionary Baptist Church | 323-757-8427 | 215 E 108th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Riches of Christ Fellowship | 323-777-3386 | 417 W El Segundo Blvd Ste 3 | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Saint Mark A M E Church | 310-329-3443 | 12923 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Southern Missionary Baptist Church | 323-755-1568 | 10975 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Southwest Institutional Baptist Church | 323-756-9961 | 11014 S Broadway | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Southwood Baptist Church | 323-755-4640 | 12121 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
Temple of Believers | 323-241-1870 | 11721 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
The Rhema Church | 323-777-2434 | 11860 Avalon Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
True Everfaithful Missionary Bapt | 323-755-1134 | 11167 S Main St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
True Love Missionary Baptist Church | 323-757-9429 | 100 E 119th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90061 |
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