Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Hollywood, CA 91605
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Hollywood CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Centro Comunitario | 818-982-8244 | 7456 Lankershim Blvd | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 818-764-1464 | 11830 Saticoy St | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
El Redentor Church | 818-503-0375 | 12020 Strathern St | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
Fil American Southern Baptist Church | 818-786-6721 | 8200 Coldwater Canyon Ave | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
Iglesia Getsemani | 818-764-3129 | 12524 Vanowen St | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
Iglesia Lutherana San Pablo | 818-759-5524 | 7400 Tujunga Ave | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
Messiah Lutheran School | 818-768-8375 | 12020 Cantara St | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
Monte Sinai Pentecostal Church | 818-982-1265 | 12048 Vanowen St | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
New Life Valley Baptist Church | 818-982-0049 | 7532 Lankershim Blvd | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
Our Lady of Zapopan | 818-255-3807 | 7824 Lankershim Blvd | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
Sikh Gurdwara of Los Angeles | 818-764-7973 | 7640 Lankershim Blvd | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
Wat Thai Buddhist Temple | 818-780-4200 | 12909 Cantara St | North Hollywood | CA | 91605 |
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