Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Northridge, CA 91324
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Northridge CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Video Services UN Limited | 818-727-7746 | 9010 Reseda Blvd | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Antioch Church | 818-709-2135 | 18531 Gresham St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Berean Baptist Church of Northridge | 818-349-2347 | 9453 Wilbur Ave | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 818-349-9883 | 8932 Reseda Blvd Ste 206 | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship San | 818-349-9444 | 8932 Reseda Blvd | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Chinese Christian Alliance Church | 818-718-2282 | 18827 Roscoe Blvd | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Christian Assembly San Fernando Valley | 818-993-5424 | 8827 Corbin Ave | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Christian Church Northridge | 818-368-3661 | Chattsworth & Wilbur | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Christian Science Churches Readin | 818-885-8707 | 9243 Reseda Blvd | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 818-341-7746 | 17101 Plummer | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Evangelical Campus Network Interna | 818-701-1553 | 8904 Reseda Blvd Ste 204 | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Flowers by Blanca | 818-701-7442 | 8433 Melvin Ave | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Houses of Light | 818-998-2931 | 19359 Londelius St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Iglesia De Restauracion Filial Reseda | 818-993-4608 | 8444 Reseda Blvd | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
L & M Insurance Agency | 818-993-9073 | 19053 Parthenia St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Living Faith Christian Church | 818-709-8532 | 19350 Business Center Dr Ste 110 | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Methodist Churches United | 818-886-1555 | 9650 Reseda Blvd | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Nanak Sadan Sikh Temple | 818-882-1825 | 18654 Parthenia St | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
Party World | 818-993-1188 | 9040 Tampa Ave | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
The Church at Rocky Peak | 818-709-0113 | 22601 Santa Susana Pass Rd | Northridge | CA | 91324 |
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