Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Northridge, CA 91325
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Northridge CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Science Churches Readin | 818-349-4463 | 9710 White Oak Ave | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
Congregational Church of Northridge U | 818-349-2400 | 9659 Balboa Blvd | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
Crystals | 818-885-5198 | 18215 Parthenia St | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
Faith Bible Church of Northridge | 818-776-2435 | 8212 Louise Ave | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
First Lutheran Church Northridge Elca | 818-885-6861 | 18355 Roscoe Blvd | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
Lutheran Churches | 818-886-1401 | 9440 Balboa Blvd | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
Mandarin Baptist Church of San Fernando | 818-727-2220 | 9124 Zelzah Ave | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
Miju First Presbyterian Church | 818-705-1181 | 17645 Saticoy St | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
Robertson's Incorporated | 818-701-0168 | 18217 Parthenia St | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
Young Nak Church of Northern La | 818-882-9191 | 18101 Lassen St | Northridge | CA | 91325 |
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