Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Palmdale, CA 93550
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Palmdale CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Christian Fellowship Chur | 661-265-8596 | 38342 6th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Alpha & Omega Spanish Church | 661-273-0467 | 38126 12th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Antelope Valley Baptist Church | 661-947-7155 | 38117 13th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Antelope Valley United Pentecostal Chu | 661-273-8438 | 39324 3rd St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Apostolic Assembly Church | 661-267-1223 | 924 E Avenue Q5 | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Assembly of God Elect | 661-574-6086 | 2270 E Palmdale Blvd | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Carlton Ministries | 661-273-7010 | 38733 9th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Christ's Church of the Valley | 661-947-9570 | 2714 E Avenue R | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Christian Science Society | 661-947-5436 | 3030 E Avenue R8 | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Desert Winds Community Church | 661-266-3400 | 2121 E Palmdale Blvd | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Emmanuel Book Store | 661-274-1714 | 38258 6th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
First Baptist Church of Palmdale | 661-947-0183 | 1051 E Palmdale Blvd | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
First Christian Church of Palmdale | 661-947-2125 | 38678 15th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
First Community Church | 661-944-3152 | 38161 88th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
First Lutheran Church Missouri Synod | 661-947-6230 | 38343 15th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Full Counsel of God Ministries | 661-267-1943 | 327 E Palmdale Blvd | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
High Desert Community Church of God | 661-947-1624 | 38050 30th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Horizon Community Church | 661-273-4424 | 1850 E Avenue R | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Iglesia De Cristo Miel | 661-273-5587 | 1675 E Avenue Q15 | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Jesus Is Lord Christian Church | 661-274-0889 | 38226 6th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Living in Christ Faith Outreach Minist | 661-273-1177 | 38202 6th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Palmdale Christian Fellowship | 661-947-8839 | 2751 E Avenue R | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Palmdale Landmark Missionary Bapt | 661-575-0248 | 2646 E Avenue Q4 | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Palmdale Reformed Baptist Church | 661-265-9676 | 859 E Avenue Q | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Relationships in Christ | 661-265-7022 | 38125 6th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Right Spirit Fellowship Church | 661-274-0956 | 38715 6th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
St Stephen's of the Valley Lutheran | 661-947-6451 | 1737 E Avenue R | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 661-273-4473 | 2045 E Palmdale Blvd | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Unity Church of Antelope Valley | 661-273-3341 | 39149 8th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Victory Outreach | 661-274-4909 | 38442 20th St E | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
Water of Life Ministries | 661-947-7606 | 3839 E Avenue R12 | Palmdale | CA | 93550 |
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