Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pomona, CA 91766
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pomona CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Christ Temple Church | 909-629-1233 | 705 W 12th St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Apostolic Church in the Faith of Jesus | 909-629-9340 | 1382 S White Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Cambodian Buddhist Society of Pomo | 909-623-1639 | 1145 W 10th St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Christ New Testament Baptise Church | 909-622-7808 | 312 E 10th St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Christadelphian House of Worship | 909-622-5378 | 890 S Gibbs St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Church of Christ Mission | 909-865-7611 | 285 S East End Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Coptic Orthodox Church | 909-865-8378 | 2005 W Mission Blvd | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
El Buen Pastor United Church of Chris | 909-622-5328 | 810 S White Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
First Union Missionary Baptist Church | 909-623-0921 | 880 W Grand Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
House of Faith Community Churc | 909-629-8667 | 600 S Towne Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Iglesia Apostolica De La Fe | 909-865-4400 | 1295 W 6th St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Iglesia Bautista | 909-397-9718 | 1025 W 2nd St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Iglesia Bautista White Ave | 909-622-3316 | 675 S White Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Iglesia Cristiana Interdenominaci | 909-620-0131 | 895 E 7th St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Iglesia Cristiana Rios De Agua Viva | 909-397-0581 | 1395 W Mission Blvd | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Iglesia De Cristo Ministerios Eli | 909-622-9377 | 1471 W Mission Blvd | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Iglesia Del Nazareno | 909-865-7171 | 409 W 12th St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Islamic Center of Inland | 909-868-8811 | 1555 E 3rd St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 909-622-3279 | 1022 S Thomas St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 909-622-2910 | 710 S Hamilton Blvd | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 909-623-0116 | 1541 S Hamilton Blvd | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 909-620-4950 | 1567 S Reservoir St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
New Life Ministries | 909-620-4255 | 165 S East End Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
New Testament Baptist | 909-622-2886 | 580 E 6th St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
New Testament Church | 909-622-4960 | 920 W Phillips Blvd | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Pomona Tongan United Methodist Minis | 909-628-7511 | 951 Philadelphia St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Pomona Valley Christian Center | 909-868-1920 | 1006 S Garey Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Pomona Valley Council of Churches Hun | 909-622-7278 | 1095 W Grand Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Primera Iglesia Bautista De Pom | 909-629-8451 | 750 S Eleanor St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Primm Ame Church | 909-627-0818 | 1956 S Towne Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Progressive Christians Uniting | 909-397-5850 | 281 S Thomas St Ste 502 | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
South Hills Presbyterian Ch | 909-629-0492 | 1170 Fremont St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Southern California Dream Center | 909-397-0735 | 1024 E Phillips Blvd | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
St Johns Baptist Church | 909-865-5857 | 250 San Lorenzo St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Victory Outreach Pomona | 909-865-0373 | 686 S Garey Ave | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
Westmont United Methodist Churc | 909-622-7998 | 1781 W 9th St | Pomona | CA | 91766 |
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