Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Reseda, CA 91335
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Reseda CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bea's Bakery | 818-344-0100 | 18450 Clark St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Bethany Community Church | 818-705-9255 | 18343 Sherman Way | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Christadelphian Ecclesia | 818-885-8300 | 19053 Ingomar St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 818-609-8070 | 18425 Ingomar St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Cultural Center | 818-342-9360 | 18849 Calvert St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Filipino International Fellowship | 818-345-1351 | 7855 Lindley Ave | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
First United Methodist Church of Resed | 818-344-7135 | 18120 Saticoy St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Grace Hungarian Reformed Church | 818-344-1885 | 18858 Erwin St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Grace Shepherdship Church | 818-343-9191 | 18050 Vanowen St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Empezar | 818-708-9714 | 18419 Sherman Way | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Iglesia Cristiana La Nueva Jerusalem | 818-344-6127 | 7445 Reseda Blvd | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Iglesia Del Dios Vivo | 818-708-2664 | 7021 Reseda Blvd | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Islamic Center of Reseda | 818-996-9116 | 18206 Victory Blvd | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Kirk O' the Valley Presbyterian | 818-345-2535 | 19620 Vanowen St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Lutheran Churches | 818-342-1633 | 18425 Kittridge St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Prison Fellowship | 818-708-1303 | 6435 Baird Ave | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Reseda Bakery See Papillon Bakery | 818-345-8158 | 18521 Sherman Way | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Reseda Boulevard Church of Christ | 818-342-4755 | 7806 Reseda Blvd | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
The Universal Church | 818-342-7255 | 18449 Kittridge St | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Valley Vineyard Christian Fello | 818-776-9696 | 6642 Reseda Blvd | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
Zoe Christian Fellowship of S | 818-881-5979 | 7143 Baird Ave | Reseda | CA | 91335 |
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