Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Pedro, CA 90731
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Pedro CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Burial at Sea | 310-548-8080 | 75 Berth | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
A Wedding Cruise | 562-495-5884 | 77 Berth | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Bayview Baptist Church | 310-548-7234 | 1116 W 7th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Bethany Community Church | 310-514-8772 | 1919 S Pacific Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Centurion Christian Fellowship | 310-548-3045 | 524 S Pacific Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 310-514-2952 | 600 W 8th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Crossing The | 310-831-5418 | 395 W 7th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
First Baptist Church of San Pedro | 310-548-1333 | 555 W 7th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
First Mexican Baptist Church | 310-833-2457 | 305 N Centre St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Hope Chapel San Pedro | 310-832-4673 | 461 W 9th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Jerico Inc | 310-832-6605 | 824 Miraflores | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Jesuit Refugee Service | 310-547-9775 | 853 W 7th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Landmark Chapel The | 310-732-1030 | 914 W 7th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Mount Sinai Baptist Church | 310-833-3223 | 225 S Mesa St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
New Harvest Christian Fellowship | 310-831-2481 | 374 W 8th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Norwegian Seamen's Church | 310-832-6800 | 1035 S Beacon St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Presbyterian Church USA | 310-832-7597 | 8th & Averill Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
San Pedro Family Worship Center | 310-831-9718 | 385 W 18th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
San Pedro United Methodist Churc | 310-519-7724 | 2201 S Leland St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Temple Heights Baptist Church | 310-831-5446 | 888 W Hamilton Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
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