Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Santa Monica, CA 90401
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Santa Monica CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Benson Jon & Judeth | 310-393-4915 | 1505 4th St | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
Christian Institute of Spiritual Scien | 310-394-4178 | 1308 2nd St | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
Christian Science Churches & | 310-395-1411 | 1227 5th St | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
Christian Science Churches & | 310-395-6023 | 505 Arizona Ave | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousnes | 310-656-7828 | 1411 5th St Ste 305 | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
First Christian Church of Santa Monica | 310-393-6787 | 609 Arizona Ave | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
First Presbyterian Church of Santa | 310-451-1303 | 1220 2nd St | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
Living Torah Center | 310-394-5699 | 1130 Wilshire Blvd | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
Metro Church Calvary Chapel | 310-394-9900 | 1231 4th St | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai of Ameri | 310-260-8900 | 606 Wilshire Blvd | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
Sgi USA World Culture Center | 310-451-8811 | 525 Wilshire Blvd | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
St Peter & St Paul Coptic Orthodox | 310-917-1981 | 1245 4th St | Santa Monica | CA | 90401 |
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