Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Temple City, CA 91780
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Temple City CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 626-444-2754 | 5319 Halifax Rd | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 626-444-2754 | 5319 Halifax Rd | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Christian Churches Disciples of Ch | 626-286-0581 | 9723 Garibaldi Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Christian Churches Disciples of Ch | 626-286-0581 | 9723 Garibaldi Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
First Baptist Church Temple City | 626-286-3125 | 6019 Baldwin Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
First Baptist Church Temple City | 626-286-3125 | 6019 Baldwin Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
First Lutheran School | 626-287-0968 | 9123 Broadway | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
First Lutheran School | 626-287-0968 | 9123 Broadway | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Golden West Baptist Church | 626-286-9320 | 4856 Golden West Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Golden West Baptist Church | 626-286-9320 | 4856 Golden West Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Grace Baptist Church | 626-286-6342 | 5537 Temple City Blvd | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Iglesia Evangelica Misionera Ameri | 626-614-8019 | 9243 Las Tunas Dr | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Iglesia Evangelica Misionera Ameri | 626-614-8019 | 9243 Las Tunas Dr | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Jc Ministries USA | 626-447-1847 | PO Box 2021 | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Methodist Church of Temple City | 626-286-3129 | 5957 Golden West Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Methodist Church of Temple City | 626-286-3129 | 5957 Golden West Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Seventh Day Adventist Churches & Scho | 626-286-5437 | 9664 Broadway | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Seventh Day Adventist Churches & Scho | 626-286-5437 | 9664 Broadway | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Temple City Church of Christ | 626-286-6676 | 5272 Sereno Dr | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Victory in Christ Church | 626-350-0487 | 5221 El Monte Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
Victory in Christ Church | 626-350-0487 | 5221 El Monte Ave | Temple City | CA | 91780 |
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