Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Glendale, CA 91202
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Glendale CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Afar Bijan Dds | 818-500-7720 | 1128 N Brand Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Antranik Laleian Dds | 818-500-3991 | 300 W Glenoaks Blvd Ste 203 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Arima Cathleen T Dds | 818-246-5671 | 247 W Glenoaks Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Bagdasaryan Alenoush Dds | 818-956-3733 | 457 Palm Dr | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Berg John W Dds | 818-507-1144 | 1139 N Brand Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Bergh Brian H Ms Dds | 818-242-1173 | 1111 N Brand Blvd Ste 201 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Daws Douglas A Dds | 818-242-8955 | 1023 N Brand Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Devnich Calvin R Dds | 818-246-2253 | 1134 N Brand Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Dr Alfred Aidie | 818-243-1000 | 1219 N Pacific Ave | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Goodsell Jos F Dr A Professional Co | 818-241-4217 | 1146 N Brand Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Hillside Dental Group | 818-243-5888 | 1155 N Central Ave Ste 205 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Kids Dental Care | 818-244-5052 | 1201 N Pacific Ave Ste 101 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Kolesar Jerry W Dmd | 818-242-2667 | 1122 N Brand Blvd Ste 102 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Leon Alan M Dds | 818-240-5323 | 1122 N Brand Blvd Ste 202 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Markarian Norik Dmd | 818-242-0040 | 1101 N Pacific Ave Ste 202 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Meacham Debra Dds | 818-244-0004 | 501 W Glenoaks Blvd Ste 204 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
North Pacific Dentistry | 818-240-0138 | 1150 N Pacific Ave | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Pacific Dental Care | 818-547-4949 | 532 W Glenoaks Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Perkins Bob S Dds | 818-246-2558 | 1136 N Brand Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Tanner Henry S Dds | 818-246-4068 | 932 N Brand Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Tobon Beatriz Dds | 818-247-0351 | 200 W Glenoaks Blvd Ste 102 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Torgeson Gerald Dds | 818-241-5511 | 501 W Glenoaks Blvd Ste 200 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
Wells Charles T Dntst | 818-242-8747 | 1122 N Brand Blvd Ste 203 | Glendale | CA | 91202 |
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