Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Glendale, CA 91203
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Glendale CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adishian Scott R Dds Inc | 818-507-6480 | 500 N Central Ave | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Albarian Alex Dds | 818-247-0085 | 411 N Central Ave Ste 245 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Asano John S Dds | 818-548-9668 | 130 N Brand Blvd Ste 302 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Baydian Bella Dds | 818-956-0505 | 372 Arden Ave Ste 104 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Berkey Margaret M Dds | 818-242-3731 | 610 N Central Ave | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Burke Michael Errol Dds Inc | 818-242-3377 | 320 Arden Ave Ste 200 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Davari Hamlet Dds | 818-242-4781 | 607 N Central Ave Ste 301 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Deleon Mark M Dds | 818-240-9142 | 633 N Central Ave Ste 203 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Fleiner Howard L Dds | 818-241-4184 | 500 N Central Ave Ste 730 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Han Young O Dds | 818-240-5194 | 435 Arden Ave Ste 570 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Heyes Richard E Dds | 818-241-8131 | 428 Arden Ave Ste 200 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Hi-Care Dental Center | 818-240-1760 | 819 N Pacific Ave | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Hudson Arthur L Dds | 818-244-2121 | 428 Arden Ave Ste 101 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Karimian Vartan Dds | 818-500-0100 | 818 N Pacific Ave Ste O | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Lau Gordon Dds | 818-502-1999 | 146 N Brand Blvd | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Lytle John J Dds | 818-240-1805 | 500 N Central Ave Ste 710 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Neville John E Dds Inc | 818-240-7040 | 500 N Central Ave Ste 700 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Sanders Steven C Dds | 818-243-4287 | 428 Arden Ave Ste 201 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Shapiro Center for Cosmetic Dentis | 818-242-2990 | 330 N Central Ave | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
Yean Ying Chung Dds | 818-242-4665 | 633 N Central Ave Ste 303 | Glendale | CA | 91203 |
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