Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Long Beach, CA 90804
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Long Beach CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A American Dental Health Provider | 562-597-3331 | 5175 E Pacific Coast Hwy | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Assistance League Orthodontics Ce | 562-985-1165 | 4509 E Pacific Coast Hwy | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Balais Belinda L Dmd | 562-494-1822 | 5525 E 7th St Ste A | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Bayshore Dental | 562-494-3477 | 1650 Ximeno Ave Ste 200 | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Campbell Dentists | 562-439-6562 | 2211 E 7th St | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Community Dental Care | 562-494-8400 | 1729 Termino Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Community Dental Center | 562-597-4500 | 3943 E Anaheim St | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
John Aivaz Dds | 562-597-8864 | 5175 E Pacific Coast Hwy Ste 405 | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Kim Henry H Dds Inc | 562-986-5570 | 3318 E Anaheim St | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Lee Kenneth Dntst | 562-494-5060 | 4755 E Anaheim St | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Lisa Angelici Dmd Mds Incorporated | 562-985-0473 | 5175 E Pacific Coast Hwy Ste 301 | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Nguyen Canai Dds | 562-433-1966 | 2136 E Anaheim St | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Ntm Medical Center | 562-621-9231 | 2315 E Anaheim St | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Phillips Gary B Dds | 562-433-4981 | 4127 E 7th St | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Vu Hong T Dds | 562-438-9437 | 2958 E Anaheim St | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
Worden William J Dentistry for C | 562-597-2448 | 5175 E Pacific Coast Hwy Ste 204 | Long Beach | CA | 90804 |
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