Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Bell Gardens, CA 90201
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Bell Gardens CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alhadi School | 323-771-9135 | 5150 Gage Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Bell Community Adult School | 323-560-0224 | 4328 Bell Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Bell Gardens Adult School | 562-806-7955 | 6119 Agra St | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Bell Gardens Elementary School | 562-927-1223 | 5620 Quinn St | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Bell Gardens Intermediate Sc | 562-927-1319 | 5841 Live Oak St | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Chavez Cesar E Elementary Scho | 323-773-1804 | 6139 Loveland St | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Corona Avenue Elementary Scho | 323-560-1323 | 3825 Bell Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Elizabeth Street School | 323-562-0175 | 4811 Elizabeth St | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Faith Christian Academy | 562-806-7540 | 6100 Florence Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Ford Park Adult Center | 562-927-7759 | 7800 Scout Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Garfield Elementary School | 562-927-1915 | 7425 Garfield Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-562-3015 | 4412 Randolph St | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-560-4422 | 4242 Clara St | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Montebello Unified School District | 323-887-7808 | 5840 Florence Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Montebello Unified School District | 562-806-7824 | 6713 Florence Pl | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Montebello Unified School District | 562-927-2679 | 6660 Suva St | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Montebello Unified School District | 562-927-1827 | 6740 Suva St | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Park Avenue Elementary School | 323-773-0490 | 8020 Park Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
St Gertrude | 562-927-1216 | 6824 Toler Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
Woodlawn Avenue Elementary Scho | 323-560-1445 | 6314 Woodlawn Ave | Bell Gardens | CA | 90201 |
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