Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Canyon Country, CA 91351
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Canyon Country CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Canyon Springs Elementary Scho | 661-252-4322 | 19059 Vicci St | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Cedarcreek Elementary School | 661-298-3251 | 27792 Camp Plenty Rd | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Cox Leona H Elementary School | 661-252-2100 | 18643 Oakmoor St | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Mint Canyon Elementary School | 661-252-2570 | 16400 Sierra Hwy | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Rio Vista Elementary School | 661-298-3242 | 20417 Cedarcreek St | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Saugus Union Elementary School District | 661-298-3260 | 28040 Hardesty Ave | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
Sulphur Springs Union Elementary Scho | 661-252-5131 | 17866 Sierra Hwy | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
William S Hart Union High School Dis | 661-250-0022 | 26623 May Way | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
William S Hart Union High School Dis | 661-252-6110 | 19300 Nadal St | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
William S Hart Union High School Dis | 661-252-3113 | 19425 Stillmore St | Canyon Country | CA | 91351 |
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