Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Carson, CA 90745
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Carson CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bonita Street Elementary Scho | 310-834-8588 | 21929 Bonita St | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Cake Palace The | 310-549-2641 | 151 E Lomita Blvd | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Carnegie Junior High School | 310-830-1330 | 21820 Bonita St | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Caroldale Ave Elementary Scho | 310-320-8570 | 22424 Caroldale Ave | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Carson Christian School | 310-835-4759 | 21828 Avalon Blvd | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Carson High School | 310-835-0181 | 22328 Main St | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Carson Street Elementary Scho | 310-834-4508 | 161 E Carson St | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Catskill Ave Elementary School | 310-834-7241 | 23536 Catskill Ave | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Del Amo Elementary School | 310-830-5351 | 21228 Water St | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Dolores Street Elementary Scho | 310-834-2565 | 22526 Dolores St | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Eagle Tree High School | 310-549-0970 | 22628 Main St | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 310-830-8710 | 23240 Archibald Ave | Carson | CA | 90745 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 310-328-7540 | 22102 Figueroa St | Carson | CA | 90745 |
St Philomena School | 310-835-4827 | 21832 Main St | Carson | CA | 90745 |
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