Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Carson, CA 90746
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Carson CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ambler Ave Elementary School | 310-532-4090 | 319 E Sherman Dr | Carson | CA | 90746 |
Annalee Ave Elementary School | 310-537-4740 | 19410 Annalee Ave | Carson | CA | 90746 |
Broadacres Elementary School | 310-537-1980 | 19424 Broadacres Ave | Carson | CA | 90746 |
Bunche Elementary School | 310-898-6120 | 16223 Haskins Ln | Carson | CA | 90746 |
Carson Christian School | 310-538-5370 | 655 E University Dr | Carson | CA | 90746 |
Curtiss Junior High School | 310-537-3551 | 1254 E Helmick St | Carson | CA | 90746 |
Leapwood Avenue Elementary Scho | 310-327-8245 | 19302 Leapwood Ave | Carson | CA | 90746 |
Lojay | 310-632-3233 | 17521 Buttonwood Ln | Carson | CA | 90746 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 310-329-3505 | 18924 Towne Ave | Carson | CA | 90746 |
Micro Plus | 310-323-9408 | 451 E Carson Plaza Dr Ste 101A | Carson | CA | 90746 |
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