Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Downey, CA 90242
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Downey CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alameda Elementary School | 562-904-9965 | | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Alameda Elementary School | 562-904-3589 | 8613 Alameda St | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Calvary Chapel Christian Schoo | 562-803-6556 | 12808 Woodruff Ave | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Carpenter C C Elementary Scho | 562-904-3588 | 9439 Foster Rd | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Downey Unified School District | 562-904-3591 | 8851 Adoree St | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Downey Unified School District | 562-904-3590 | 13220 Bellflower Blvd | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Downey Unified School District | 562-904-3572 | 12500 Birchdale Ave | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Downey Unified School District | 562-904-3578 | 8133 Imperial Hwy | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Downey Unified School District | 562-904-3565 | 11985 Old River School Rd | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Downey Unified School District | 562-904-3561 | 11995 Old River School Rd | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Downey Unified School District | 562-904-3582 | 9724 Spry St | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Greater Southeast Apartment Train | 562-250-3118 | 8607 Imperial Hwy Ste 207 | Downey | CA | 90242 |
Pius X St Matthias High School | 562-861-2271 | 7851 Gardendale St | Downey | CA | 90242 |
St Raymond | 562-862-3210 | 12320 Paramount Blvd | Downey | CA | 90242 |
St Raymond Catholic | 562-923-9339 | 12348 Paramount Blvd | Downey | CA | 90242 |
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