Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Lakewood, CA 90712
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Lakewood CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bellflower Adult School of Cosmetology | 562-804-6506 | 6024 Clark Ave | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Bellflower Unified School District | 562-804-6518 | 5223 Bigelow St | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Bellflower Unified School District | 562-804-6540 | 6144 Clark Ave | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Bellflower Usd | 562-633-2096 | 4718 Michelson St | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Holmes Oliver Wendell Elementary Scho | 562-633-4427 | 5020 Barlin Ave | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Hoover Herbert Middle School | 562-421-1213 | 3501 Country Club Dr | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Lakewood Elementary School | 562-220-2969 | 3717 Michelson St | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Long Beach Educational | 562-423-1944 | 4812 Paramount Blvd | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Long Beach Unified School District | 562-420-7731 | 2801 Bomberry St | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Long Beach Unified School District | 562-420-9595 | 3319 Sandwood St | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Low Budget Traffic School | 562-496-2308 | 2735 Carson St Ste B | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Opportunities for Learning | 562-938-8533 | 4010 Watson Plaza Dr Ste 245 | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
Paramount Usd | 562-601-8153 | 3701 Michelson St | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
St Pancratius School | 562-634-6310 | 3601 Saint Pancratius Pl | Lakewood | CA | 90712 |
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