Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Lancaster, CA 93535
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Lancaster CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antelope Valley High School | 661-948-8552 | 44900 Division St | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Antelope Valley Union High School Dis | 661-948-7555 | 45030 3rd St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Challenger Middle School | 661-264-1790 | 41725 170th St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Early Childhood Education Presc | 661-940-6672 | 1331 E Avenue J8 | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Eastside Academy | 661-946-5560 | 6742 E Avenue H | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Eastside Union School District | 661-946-3038 | 44820 27th St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Eastside Union School District | 661-946-1927 | 44900 27th St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Eastside Union School District | 661-946-1041 | 3126 E Avenue I | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
El Dorado School | 661-942-8487 | 361 E Pondera St | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Endeavour Middle School | 661-723-0351 | 831 E Avenue K2 | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
High Desert Driving School | 661-940-8835 | 43805 Division St Ste C | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Joshua School | 661-948-0743 | 43926 2nd St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Lancaster Elementary School District | 661-942-0431 | 44924 5th St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Lancaster Elementary School District | 661-942-9508 | 425 E Avenue H11 | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Lancaster Elementary School District | 661-726-4271 | 753 E Avenue K2 | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
Wilsona School | 661-264-2123 | 41625 170th St E | Lancaster | CA | 93535 |
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