Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Lawndale, CA 90260
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Lawndale CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Addams Elementary School | 310-676-4806 | 4535 W 153rd Pl | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Anderson Elementary School | 310-676-0197 | 4130 W 154th St | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Centinela Valley Union High School Dis | 310-263-3131 | 14901 Inglewood Ave | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Centinela Valley Union High School Dis | 310-263-3265 | 4951 Marine Ave | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Centinela Valley Union High School Dis | 310-263-2230 | 4118 Rosecrans Ave | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Environmental Charter High School | 310-676-3107 | 4234 W 147th St | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Environmental Charter High School | 310-973-7828 | 4335 W 147th St | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Healthy Start William Green School | 310-371-2101 | 4520 W 168th St | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Mitchell Elementary School | 310-676-6140 | 14429 Condon Ave | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Southwest School for the Deaf at and | 310-679-9707 | 4141 W 156th St | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Twain Mark Elementary School | 310-675-9134 | 3728 W 154th St | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
Wiley Center for Speach & Language Deve | 310-970-9768 | 14525 Prairie Ave | Lawndale | CA | 90260 |
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