Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Los Angeles, CA 90003
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Los Angeles CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Academy of Basic Learning | 323-777-1769 | 10457 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Barrett Charles Elementary Scho | 323-756-1419 | 419 W 98th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Bethune Jr High School | 323-971-3646 | 155 W 69th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Fremont Community Adult School | 323-778-1651 | 7676 S San Pedro St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Head Start State Preschool | 323-753-2401 | 7226 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Hope John High School | 323-759-8905 | 7840 Towne Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
L A Urban League Head Start | 323-242-8420 | 305 E 105th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-756-8137 | 147 E 107th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-754-2869 | 330 E 93rd St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-759-1138 | 6020 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-753-1589 | 6600 S San Pedro St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-753-4591 | 8510 Towne Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-971-8885 | 142 W 75th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Mother of Sorrows School | 323-758-6204 | 100 W 87th Pl | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
Sixty Sixth Street Combination Chi | 323-750-7861 | 405 E 67th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
St Columbkille Catholic Church | 323-758-2284 | 135 E 64th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90003 |
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