Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Los Angeles, CA 90023
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Los Angeles CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bishop Mora Salesian High School | 323-261-7124 | 960 S Soto St | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Christopher Dena Elementary Scho | 323-269-9222 | 1314 S Dacotah St | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
East Los Angeles Science Center | 323-261-1139 | 961 Euclid Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Eastman Avenue Elementary Scho | 323-269-0456 | 4112 E Olympic Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Euclid Elemtary School | 323-263-6792 | 806 Euclid Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Head Start State Preschool | 323-261-5498 | 817 Euclid Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Hollenbeck Jr High School | 323-268-0176 | 2510 E 6th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Lorena Street Elementary Scho | 323-268-1128 | 1015 S Lorena St | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-263-6744 | 2821 E 7th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-262-4101 | 725 S Indiana St | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-261-7191 | 600 S Rowan Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-262-6513 | 1020 S Soto St | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Resurrection Church The | 323-261-5750 | 3360 Opal St | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
Santa Isabel Elementary School | 323-263-3716 | 2424 Whittier Blvd | Los Angeles | CA | 90023 |
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