Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Los Angeles, CA 90044
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Los Angeles CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ascension Catholic Church | 323-756-4064 | 500 W 111th Pl | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Ascension Catholic Church | 323-777-6356 | 517 W 112th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Budlong Avenue Elementary Scho | 323-750-6955 | 5940 S Budlong Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Figueroa Street Elementary Scho | 323-756-9268 | 510 W 111th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Harte Junior High School | 323-757-9143 | 9301 S Hoover St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Loren Miller Elementary School | 323-753-4445 | 830 W 77th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-759-1183 | 7511 Raymond Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-971-4361 | 5929 S Vermont Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-756-1371 | 1151 W 109th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-756-9114 | 1110 W 119th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-753-2133 | 612 W 68th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-753-3321 | 944 W 77th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-778-3472 | 661 W 87th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Los Angeles Unified School District | 323-756-1466 | 1109 W 96th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Normandie Christian School | 323-752-3122 | 6306 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
San Pedro Academy | 323-752-6903 | 1145 W Manchester Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
St Michael's Catholic School | 323-752-6101 | 1027 W 87th St | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
Woodcrest Nazarene Christian Schoo | 323-754-4933 | 10936 S Normandie Ave | Los Angeles | CA | 90044 |
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