Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Paramount, CA 90723
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Paramount CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Keppel Elementary School | 562-602-6958 | 6630 Mark Keppel St | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Lincoln Abraham Elementary Scho | 562-602-6951 | 15324 California Ave | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Los Cerritos Elementary School | 562-602-6965 | 14626 Gundry Ave | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Mokler Lynn Major Elementary Scho | 562-602-6082 | 8571 Flower Ave | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Unified School District | 562-602-6000 | 15110 California Ave | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Unified School District | 562-220-2954 | 8535 Contreras St | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Unified School District | 562-602-6930 | 16200 Downey Ave | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Unified School District | 562-602-6973 | 8555 Flower Ave | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Unified School District | 562-602-8012 | 7340 Jackson St | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Unified School District | 562-220-2835 | 8600 Jefferson St | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Unified School District | 562-602-8056 | 13451 Merkel Ave | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Unified School District | 562-602-8048 | 15733 Orange Ave | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Usd | 562-601-8199 | 14429 Downey Ave | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Usd | 562-601-8177 | 14507 Paramount Blvd | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
Paramount Usd | 562-602-1689 | 14608 Paramount Blvd | Paramount | CA | 90723 |
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